Sunday, May 5, 2013

Going on Vacation!

School is almost over!  That means it's time to plan a vacation.  I love going on vacation because there is always somewhere new to visit!  But you have to make a plan first.  You have to find somewhere to stay.  There are many options for accommodation when you are on vacation. Most people stay in hotels, that might have a restaurant or swimming pool.  Or you can stay in a bed and breakfast. These are small, quaint and cozy places that offer a place to sleep and breakfast in the morning.  Budget travelers may choose to stay in hostels; these are cheaper than other types of accommodation because they offer few amenities.  Hostels are ideal for young backpackers, who can stay in dorm beds in a room with several other travelers, for a fraction of the cost of a hotel room.

Key vocabulary:

  • options (noun): choices.
  • accommodation (noun): a place to stay
  • hotel (noun): a type of accommodation that is often expensive, and provides private rooms for guests.
  • quaint (adjective): charming and cute (and a little old or traditional).
  • cozy (adjective): comfortable.
  • budget (noun, adjective): a plan for using an amount of money; inexpensive
  • amenities (noun): extra things that make you more comfortable (in a hotel, for example, amenities include a TV, pool, exercise room, etc.)
  • backpackers (noun): people who travel a long distance with only a large backpack as their luggage.
  • dorm (noun): a room with beds for several people.
  • fraction (noun): a small part of something.

Vocabulary Activity:

Fill in the blanks with a vocabulary word in the box below.


hotel amenities backpackers

1. We bought a small, old-fashioned house in a _____________ little village.
2. Hmmm. . . . I don’t want a single bed, but a double bed might be too big. Are there any other _______________?
3. You can buy a used car for a _______________ of the cost of a new one.
4. My brother is a college student. He lives in a _____________.
5. I like to have my own room when I travel.  Staying in a ____________ is worth the price for privacy!
6. _______________ airlines are often cheaper, but they don’t have as many amenities as other airlines.
7. The waiter should ______________ me a free glass of coffee.
8. The  _______________ I like at hotels include an indoor swimming pool, free breakfast, and laundry services.
9. When I go hiking, I see a lot of  __________ setting up their tents.
10. That sofa looks really soft and _______________.

Grammar Point:
When you plan for a vacation, you are talking about an event that will happen, that has not happened yet.  When you talk about situations that will happen, it is useful to use the future tense.  For example, if you are going to a place you've never been before, you would say, "I will visit Disney World" or "I am going to see the Eiffel Tower."

Grammar Activity:

Write a letter to a friend that describes an upcoming trip you are going to take.  Use the future tense to describe what you will do and see.  Make sure to list at least three activities in your letter.

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